Welcome to Light Theory, an experimental application and catalog that draws inspiration from the vibrant world of contemporary hype beast culture. Within this unique project, advanced electric guitar and piano take center stage, artfully juxtaposed with primal elements to accentuate the instruments' striking beauty and passionate allure. The meticulously designed products serve as educational tools, offering both novice and experienced musicians an avenue to master the art of playing and deepen their understanding of music theory, all without the need for traditional sheet music notation.

ux / ui - logo design - catalog design

Spirited and primal.

Each instrument is thoughtfully paired with a natural element. In the case of the Lennon piano, lightning serves as symbolic imagery, evoking the energy and vibrancy I aim to convey. The goal is to ignite a sense of excitement during play, leaving listeners electrified by the experience.

Bold yet refined.

Typographic hierarchy is used to create depth within the imagery. The bold heading is overlapped by the instrument in a way that retains legibility while the thin subtext rests on top as it doesn't have enough weight to distract from the image below.

Clean and elegant.

When viewing a physical asset, clutter and busy graphics tend to detract from the product's design, a phenomenon especially pronounced with naturally beautiful pieces. Thus, I designed the purchase page with the aim of inspiring viewers. It provides valuable information and quotes about the individual who served as the inspiration behind each instrument, creating a more enriching and engaging experience for potential buyers.

The electric guitar application page within Light Theory adheres to the same fundamental design principles as the piano section, with the primary distinction lying in the element chosen to symbolize the instrument. In the case of the Hendrix guitar, I've embraced fire as a symbol. This element embodies the passion that propels aspiring musicians to take up the instrument, the unwavering commitment to play for hours until fingertips are raw, and the exhilarating transformation experienced upon mastering a new skill.

The catalog was made for those feeling more old school. Every now and then we love to get our hands on something physical, especially in the digital world we live in. The catalog includes both the guitar and piano, each with double page spreads illustrating both of their respective elements further.

 © 2023 alexbaleno